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Help! One of my audition times is overbooked!

Q&A #13

The system checks time slot capacity whenever an auditionee loads the final step of the form, so it is possible if several people are signing up at the same time that the system may not have a chance to block a popular time slot for everyone. This has the highest chance to occur when you first announce that auditions are open, since that's likely when the most people will hurry to get their preferred time.

To lessen the chance of overbooking, schedule audition times for small groups insted of individual sessions, if possible. For example, you might schedule 6 people in 30-minute intervals (call them "arrival times") instead of booking individual time slots every 5 minutes. Auditionees usually don't mind waiting a few minutes, you will be less likely to overbook, AND you'll be less likely to fall behind schedule when someone inevitably runs late.

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Did you know?

Cast members can export their rehearsals to external apps, like Google Calendar or Outlook.

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