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Auditionee Dashboard


The auditionee dashboard is where directors can see all the audition forms for actors who have signed up.

Features on the auditionee dashboard include:

  • Summary of all auditionees
  • Filter by time slot
  • Save & Sync All
  • Each auditionee's submitted audition form
  • Each auditionee's report card

Summary of All Auditionees

On the auditionee dashboard is a list of all the actors who are signed up for an audition. Simply click on a actor to pull up their audition form.

The dashboard highlights some of the report card information about each actor, including their overall score (an average of their key performance areas) and any notes left by the director.

Hovering over any auditionee will reveal the quick action bar, which includes these actions:

  • Magnify - this action pulls up the actor's audition form
  • Trash - this action deletes the actor's audition form

The trash action is particularly useful if an actor has accidentally signed up multiple times.

Filter By Time Slot/Audition Block

Note that the phrases "time slot" and "audition block" may be used interchangeably.

Actors are shown in alphabetical order by last name. The row of buttons along the top of the auditionee dashboard will filter the visible actors according to the selected time slot.

The visible filters will always be current with the configured audition blocks for the show. As the director adds or removes time slots, the filters will adjust but submitted audition forms will be unaffected.

So if a time slot/audition block is removed, there's the chance that some actors will only be visible with the ALL filter applied to the auditionee dashboard. This will happen if the actor selected a time that has since been removed from the time slot configuration in the audition settings for the show.

Save & Sync All

Use this button to sync all audition forms with each actor's current conflicts.

This is particularly useful if you are about to begin scheduling rehearsals and you've already had multiple actors inform you that they've updated their conflicts.

Submitted Audition Forms

The audition form for each actor contains all the information you'd expect to find on the paper version of such a form.

Some of the information is automatically synced from the actor's Cast98 profile so that it stays current no matter when they change it, some is fixed on their audition form and cannot be changed after the audition has past, and some requires the director's use of the Save & Sync feature to update the audition form.

The audition form includes:

  • Contact information
  • Headshot and actor resume
  • Show and role preferences
  • Reputation notes
  • Past experience
  • Submitted conflicts

Contact information

The actor's contact information and their emergency contact information syncs automatically anytime the info is changed on their Cast98 profile.

Headshot and actor resume

The actor's headshot and resume will sync automatically any time the actor uploads a new headshot or resume on their Cast98 profile.

Show and role preferences

The actor's show and role preferences, including their time slot selections, can only be edited by the actor leading up to their audition. After their earliest audition time is past, they lose the ability to make changes.

Reputation notes

An actor never sees their reputation notes, and therefore cannot edit them at any time.

Learn more about reputation notes

Past experience

The actor's descriptions of their past experience will automatically sync if they update this information on their Cast98 profile.

This is true for all their past experience including acting experience, vocal experience, dance experience, instrumental experience, tech experience, and special talents.

Submitted conflicts v. Profile conflicts

The actor's submitted conflicts will remain unaffected if they update their conflict calendar on their Cast98 profile. The submitted conflicts seen on the actor's audition form will be the known conflicts in the schedule builder and on the rehearsal schedule.

The director can use the Save & Sync feature to pull fresh conflicts from the actor's Cast98 profile.

If the actor's profile conflicts are even slightly difference from their submitted conflicts, the audition form will show them separately so that the director can review the differences and make an informed decision whether or not to Save & Sync.

Actor Report Cards

Audition performance scores

Each auditionee is provided a report card so that the director may score them in key performance areas, including:

  1. Voice
  2. Dance
  3. Looks
  4. Acting
  5. Stage Presence

The scores are averaged to provide an overall score, and all of these scores are visible at a glance on the auditionee dashboard, and can be edited within an actor's audition form.

Learn more about audition report cards

Director notes

A director can leave private notes on a performer's audition form that will be visible at a glance on the auditionee dashboard. Constructive criticism is recommended to help auditionees improve their audition skills over time.

Directors may opt to give actors access to their audition report card in the audition settings for a show.

Learn more about audition report cards

Casting decisions

Directors have a dedicated space to note what roles they are considering for each actor, and to assign a decision value. The decision scale is numerical so that a group of directors can collaborate internally about each value's meaning, but the recommended scale is as follows:

  • -1 = Absent or Do Not Cast
  • 0 = Neutral (this is the default value)
  • 1 = Maybe
  • 2 = Callback
  • 3 = Add To Cast

Learn more about audition report cards

Specialty Actions

Updating conflicts on an audition form

To update conflicts is a two step process:

  1. The auditionee/cast member can login and go to Edit My Profile > Conflict Calendar and update their conflicts
  2. Then the director can go to the Auditionee Dashboard and select that actor, and use the Save & Sync button to grab the updated conflicts.

So if this is happening before the actor's audition, they don't really need to tell the director because it is likely the director will use the Save & Sync feature to capture notes during their audition.

But, if this is happening after their audition (and definitely after the rehearsal schedule has been started), the actor needs to notify the director that they've updated their conflict calendar, and the director can decide in that moment whether or not to approve the conflict changes with the Save & Sync feature.

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