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Welcome to the Suggestion Box!

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Welcome to the Suggestion Box!

2019 August 29 @ 12:52 PM by Danfo Fowlerton

Here is where you can post all kinds of feature requests so that other directors can weigh in/pile on! Topics with the most buzz around them will definitely catch our eye and move up the list to be added if it seems like a good fit for Cast98.


Can you make the conflicts a set of checkbox for each hour of each day? We need to know people's schedules down to the hour. For example, people might have a morning commitment on a Saturday and can rehearse in the afternoon. Or maybe they wait tables on Wednesday and Thursday evenings but can rehears on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Etc. This way we can more easily coordinate rehearsal groups. I understand you have the notes but that defeats the purpose of having the conflict tick marks. We hacked together a system using Google Calendar and created a calendar for each cast member. We could then turn on and off cast members per group. We could see by the hour when would be a good fit for folks.

2021 Jan 30

communication to auditionees

March 30th, 2020

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