Customer Service
For specific tech support within a Cast98 tool, use the Request Support link in the footer on the page where you're having trouble. Use the contact form on this page for general comments/inquiries.
Please wait at least 48 hours for a reply before sending a follow-up, and more around holidays. Cast98 is only a one-man operation so your patience is appreciated.
Examples of great support questions:
- I get an error when I try to login. The error reads "Whoops, looks like something went wrong!" I tried resetting my password but that didn't fix it.
- I am trying to add my studio, but I keep getting an error that says "You must activate your subscription within 24 hours." What does this mean?
- How can I change my studio's referral URL?
DIY Support
These resources might help you DIY your issue if you have a "how-to" question: